Singing Guide: Rose Marie Jun

Singing Guide: Rose Marie Jun

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Rose Marie Jun is a legendary Filipino singer known for her distinct vocal quality and her ability to showcase a wide range of emotions. Her style is characterized by a blend of jazz, blues, and pop, with an emphasis on smooth melodic lines.

If you want to learn how to sing like Rose Marie Jun, it's important to start by analyzing her voice. Singing Carrots offers a great guide on How to analyze your voice. The guide will help you identify your vocal range, voice type and unique vocal qualities that you share with Rose Marie Jun.

One of Rose Marie Jun's standout vocal techniques is her ability to sustain long, smooth notes with great breath control. To learn breath control, you can do the Farinelli Breathing exercise offered by Singing Carrots. This exercise focuses on abdominal breathing, which is essential in developing greater control over your breath while singing.

Another technique that Rose Marie Jun is known for is her use of vibrato to add a subtle but noticeable amount of texture to her singing. You can learn how to use vibrato by watching Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce tutorials offered by Singing Carrots.

In addition to developing these techniques, it's also important to choose songs that showcase Rose Marie Jun's style. Two great songs to start with are "Bakit Ako Mahihiya?" and "Kahit Konting Pagtingin." "Bakit Ako Mahihiya?" is a great example of Rose Marie Jun's emotive and dramatic style, while "Kahit Konting Pagtingin" offers a more lighthearted and playful approach.

With the help of Singing Carrots' educational singing course, Singing for Beginners, you'll be on the right track to mastering the style of Rose Marie Jun.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.